Zest Laboratories
The first ISO/IEC 17025:2017 accredited and Global Fund approved private testing laboratory with research facility in Nepal.
Drug, Pharmaceuticals & Medical ConsumablesFood & Agricultural ProductsPesticidesChemical & Biological Testing – Ayush productsChemical Testing – Essential OilChemical & Biological Testing – WaterMechanical testing
Tablets,Capsules (Hard & Soft Gel),Liquid Orals,Small & Large Volume ParenteralsEye/Ear drop,Cream, Gel,OintmentOral PowdersSyringes & NeedlesInfusion setsCotton,Gauze, bandagesTest KitsLLINSCondomsSurgical Gloves
Tea (green & Black) & CoffeeCereals, Pulses & Cereal ProductsEdible Oil, Ghee & fatsHoney & Honey ProductsMilk & Dairy products including Hard CheeseAlcoholic & Non-alcoholic BeveragesOil Grains, Food grains & legumesSpices, Condiments & Herbs [including cordicep, Sichuwan pepper, Moringa, lycopodium, components of canabis (CBD, THC, CBN), etcProcessed foods, Snacks & Instant MixesMeat and Meat itemsAnimal & poultry feeds & Feed suplimentsFruits & Vegetables including sweet potatos, beet roots, Sting Nettle, Moringa, etc.
Pesticide ResiduesPesticides FormulationsLong Lasting Insecticidal Nets (LLINS)
Ayurvedic and herbal formulationsAyurvedic extracts & powders and plant material for Ayurvedic useHerbal Medicinal products for oral use
Essential OilsAromatic ChemicalsSynthetic Essential oilsCosmetic products & other natural Fragrance & raw materials
Surface WaterDrinking waterGround waterWater from purifiersPackaged drinking waterPurified & distilled waterWater for injection
Male condom
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